This and That:
Nice selection of silicone ear tips.
Nice Brainwavz storage case. Could be a bit larger, though.
Really nice shell design; made of silver metal.
I dislike the flat cable.
The red core tips are quite thin and wobbly.
Largest included red core silicone tips, low impedance sources.
Warm upper bass and fundamental range elevation of around 8 dB; becomes neutral again around 600 Hz.
Roll-off towards sub-bass (upper midbass is still lifted; rolled off towards neutral levels at 20 Hz). Audibly less present than mid- and upper bass.
Central midrange bit elevated, therefore voices closer in the mix. Overall good, pleasant timbre.
Treble smooth and linear, pretty much neutral, except for a moderate lift around 5 kHz that makes the treble/cymbal timbre a bit metallic.
Driver matching quite poor in the lows.
Decent. Resolves well for a dynamic driver in-ear. Bit below of the M3, though.
Bass quality decent; lacks softness and sponginess. Bit tighter than M3.
Quite good instrument separation.
Not particularly large, however round and realistic.
Decent sound but bad driver matching and flat cable.