This and That:
Comes with five pairs of silicone tips (nice for this price range), silicone ear guilds and a cheap pleather storage bag (still okay at this price point).
Decent build quality.
Proprietary silicone tips designed so that they don't block the front vents.
Cable comparable to that of my Zero Audio Carbo Tenore. Doesn't lack a chin slider but does lack proper strain relief integration.
Low impedance sources, largest included silicone tips.
Full sounding v-shape, although not of the typical/traditional kind.
Upper highs slightly lifted around 8 kHz. Good super treble extension past 10 kHz.
Treble realism not the highest but better compared to many other budget in-ears that are less even in the highs.
Central midrange mostly natural; slightly distanced sounding.
Thick, warm sounding fundamental range. Elevation starts to climb around 750 Hz and reaches its climax between 100 and 150 Hz with about 8 dB of quantity compared to diffuse-field neutral lows.
Roll-off towards the sub-bass that is slightly less present than the mids. Midbass and sub-bass have got less presence than the upper bass.
Overall I'd wish for a somewhat better extending bass.
Decent resolution for the price. Not as good as my Fostex TE-02 or the Fidue A65, though. Better than comparably priced dynamic driver models from SoundMAGIC, Superlux or Trinity Audio Engineering.
Decent treble separation. Not on the same level as more expensive in-ears, but that was to be expected.
Bass quality not fully bad for the price and a bit above that of my SoundMAGIC E10, however a bit too soft and slow and lacking differentiation and definition for fast and complex recordings.
Midrange resolution and speech intelligibility definitely the star of the show for the price - comes very close to good inexpensive single-BA models.
Appears quite large and open and deep.
It somewhat leaves the base of my head, but not by much (it's no DUNU Titan 1 kind of openness). Decent depth and layering. Ultimately somewhat wider than deep.
Precise but not razor-sharp imaging precision.
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Versus final E2000:
I prefer the E2000's matte black shells.
E3000 somewhat bassier and thicker sounding. Both extend about equally (not good but not entirely as bad as the Brainwavz KOEL or B200 v2).
E3000 warmer mids. E2000 brighter upper mids.
E2000 brighter highs, but can be a bit exhausting, too.
E2000 minimally narrower stage. Similar imaging.
Decent with good midrange resolution and soundstage but some flaws such as bass extension linearity and bass quality (speed, tightness, definition).
Doesn't have any really glaring flaws (its only weakness is that it could do a bit better in terms of bass extension linearity), but nowadays there's a lot of very capable competition in the same price range (such as the Brainwavz B100 or Fidue A65).